Friday, February 13, 2009

Being fully present without judgement to here, now, is the only way to fully experience "reality" as it is expressed as this moment. 

Being fully present with whatever is occurring as this now, and this now, and so on, is all there is to "do". Being fully present is witnessing this now as your creation, while realizing, that you cannot be separate from now.

Become the witness of the mind and body. Whatever thoughts occur in this now, be with them, whatever feelings occur, be with them. Fully be with this moment, and everything about it. This is all there is. This is all there ever was.

Remember that this moment isn't happening to you, this moment is you.

The more fully you can experience this moment, without judgement, the more peace and acceptance you will experience in this moment, as this moment.
And if there isn't an experience of peace in the moment right now, the resistance can only be coming from your own judgement of not getting or experiencing what "you" want. Not getting what "you" want is an opportunity to fully experience your judgements and resistance to what is.

If you are suffering, it is still your mind's interpretation of now. This is why it is important to remember that your mind just thinks.  It "thinks" it knows something about now, but it doesn't. It is just interpreting now from beliefs and concepts that it carries from the past. Bringing the past forward into now is an act of imagination and it contaminates right now with the past, preventing presence in the now from being fully experienced as this moment.

Experiencing now without judgement is very different than thinking about now. When you think about now you separate from now, and believing that you are separate from now, is an illusion. 

When we create a negative impression of now, "who" is believing that you are a victim of now? Feeling frustration with what is, merely points back to "you" not getting what you want. Aren't you choosing this? If you're not getting the now you want who is responsible? What are you choosing to believe about now?

As soon as the resistance to what is, is fully experienced as your own creation, then your judgement of non peace will drop into What Is. This is simply loving what is and accepting this moment as fully yours.  

Accepting and loving What Is will lead you to the freedom to just be here now.  

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