The tenuousness of life in physical form as well as our make believe stories about ourselves and others and this world and our place in it exists only in our imagination and yet it appears and feels very real. This is our story , the story that was created for us by our parents and our institutions and our culture. It is the story that we created to give meaning and shape to form and these forms are sustained by our mutually held agreements, concepts and beliefs. But eventually our story ends, our bodies die, our loved ones die, all of it passes away.
So who would you be without your story? Is it possible to live outside your story as an observer? Is it possible to die to one's body, mind and story before one's physical death?
Something to ponder.
Consider that consciousness appears in the body at birth and your physical body and mind and the physical universe and everything about it is merely an appearance in consciousness. Consider that without consciousness this story of ourselves and the physical world simply disappears, much like it does when you are sleeping.
Are "you" aware of your body and the physical world when you are asleep? Does it exist, do you exist without consciousness?
How could you be such a tenuous thing?
Enjoy the body, enjoy the world, experience it fully in the now, but remember, you are not this, you are not this.
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